Pep Boys Auto
eCommerce Design
OPPORTUNITY: Pep Boys needed to expand beyond bricks-and-mortar in order increase sales and attract new, younger customers
GOAL: Put 100,000 Pep Boys SKUs online and allow customers to be able to ship parts to their homes, local store for pickup, or buy parts online and then schedule installation
ACTION: Over a 12-month period, we systematically introduced new visual design elements to consumers to prepare the site for eCommerce without creating an unsettling experience of repeat customers:
- We first introduced a new navigation structure that was looking forward to eCommerce by splitting the site into parts, tires and service
- In preparation for eCommerce we developed product search results and detail pages that displayed complex information about fit, size, model, etc. — everything but the “buy now” button
- At the same time, we developed a fully-integrated checkout process that allows customers to purchase a product, ship it to the closest store and schedule installation in one easy process
RESULT: Pep Boys went from a brick-and-mortar-only retailer to a powerhouse eCommerce player, bringing in $100MM in online revenue per year
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